Nano 5 Apps

A first program (delay based on machine cycle)

Led Flashing (Timers/Counters)

Switch and Relay (delay/bounce)

UART Communication (115200 bps)

Testing ADCs and DACs (ADC, DAC/ADC)

Rotary Encoder


Keypad 4x4 (I2C/Interrupt)


6 ADCs (Single, Multiple)

Internal Temperature Sensor

External Temperature Sensor (LM35DT)

Rotary Encoder and LCD

IR Remote and LCD

Real Time Clock (PCF2127T)

UART Nano5 (Raspberry Pi 2)

Tester of I2C (Raspberry Pi 2)

Extended Flash Memory (Ferroelectric)

GPIO Expander (MCP23017)

Nano5/Cayenne (Wifi Controller)

Nonlinear sensor/ThingSpeak